Monday, June 20, 2011

Sitting at ABBEY having an Apricot Mojo and reading up on some stuff.  Found this great article - taking advantage of the current cupcake craze and the craft beer phenomena.  Why not?  Two great tastes that taste great together.  Check out this link:

By the way, one of my buddies bought an Avery 14 last night (which is now over 2 years old) and we shared it.  I really liked this beer when it was fresh, but I LOVED it now.  The flavors just kept going and going.

We just had a guy come in, use the bathroom, and leave.  Pisses me off.  Even when I am travelling, if I have to stop in at a 7-11 to take a leak, I'll buy something.  Maybe it comes from being in the business my whole life, I dunno know.  

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