Thursday, December 22, 2011

Beer in Columbus

I had the pleasure of having some great brews at a Columbus, Ohio brewpub called Barley's Brewpub across from the North Market.  I had visited on a previous visit and was especially excited at the thought of what they would brew in the wintertime - I was not disappointed.  

I got a sampler of every brew they made in house to the tune of 12 beers total.  Starting off easy with a pilsner, scottish ale, and pale ale; they quickly moved into headier stuff.  Two Christmas beers, a Russian Imperial Stout, a Belgian Dubbel, a Barleywine, two IPAs, and some cask offerings of the aforementioned brews.  Good stuff.  Make that great stuff.

We also ordered a Reuben Sandwich, chicken wings, and some great house-made chips with this beer cheese sauce that was absolutely delicious.

The atmosphere in this place reminds me of living up north and escaping from the cold into a warm pub.  Another thing I couldn't wait for was to walk into Barley's out of the snow and grab a pint of an 11% Barleywine.  Well, the weather didn't cooperate but the beer and cuisine were wonderful.  

To make the trip even better, I was able to stop by a boutique beer store in the North Market and pick up some great bottles that I can't get anywhere near us.

To start, they now get Ithaca Brewing in Ohio which makes me extremely happy.  Being a Cornell Alum, I fell in love with Ithaca Brewing many years ago and miss their stuff.  To make it even better, they had the Cold Front Belgian Amber which I had not had before.  It didn't relent from there.  I picked up a bottle of collaboration Stone/Bruery/Elysian La Citrueille Celeste de Citracado which is made with pumpkin, yams, and fenugreek; a bottle of Two Brothers Domaine du Page; AleSmith Horny Devil; and Rockmill Brewery's Saison.  I am especially excited about the Saison, which I've had once before.  Rockmill is a tiny farmhouse brewery just south of Columbus and their stuff rokks!!!

Being that I have a good amount of stuff here from Great Lakes (including their Christmas Ale), I am going to save all of these and share them with some friends back home.  Results to come soon!!!!


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