Friday, September 14, 2012

Big Apple Pizza

the owner hugging POUSA in September 2012Along the way, when you travel you can find yourself accidentally in the middle of something.  Recently, the Renegades found ourselves in such a spot.

As you may have seen, there is a pizza place in Fort Pierce that has stirred up some controversy here recently.  Big Apple Pizza it's called and the owner caught some flack after giving our current President a big bear hug.  Didn't go over too well, and apparently when some conservative folks caught wind they decided to fight back by giving his pizza some negative reviews and boycotting his pizza.

Naturally, this boycotting was followed by an intense level of support and the war ensued.

Renegade Rip visited Big Apple Pizza and this is the report I received, along with some pictures:

"I walked in and got half way to the counter before I was greeted by both people that were behind the counter. I placed my order and asked the girl if she minded if I took some pictures for the blog. She replied, "I don't know, but the owner is right here if you want to ask him." As I turned to look he was about to pass me as she called to him, "Hey, this guy wants to..." about that time he stopped walking, turned towards me and smiled and immediately put his hand out to shake mine. I introduced myself and asked to take some shots and his response was "Of course, you can take as many pictures as you want.", without asking what the write up was about. As I was waiting for my pie and taking pics trying not to include the customers that were enjoying themeselves, I realized that all the decor in the place was plaques trophies, and awards for various stand up acts and contribution to the community.  There was no doubt that this was a loved man by the locals. It appeared that he was holding a birthday party for a friend or family member, so I didn't want to ask to get a picture of him, but as I was leaving he stood up and said, "Sir, thank you for everything.", as if I had done him a favor."

From most of what I have read about the guy, this is pretty much everyone's experience with him.  Just a humble guy with a big heart.  Good for him.  It's nice to see support come out when a group wants to bring a guy down for showing some love.

Whatever your political bend, you gotta love a guy who keeps on keepin' on.  Cheers!

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