Tuesday, September 25, 2012

World of Beer Coconut Creek Pirate Event

Raising money for a good cause always makes the event a little better.  Everyone seems a little happier and the buzz you get seems a little sweeter.  Or maybe it's just me.

Either way, the event that Miss Alex of World of Beer in Coconut Creek invited us to turned out even better than we had imagined.

The event itself was to celebrate "Talk Like a Pirate Day" and included Anchor Brewing and Shipyard Brewing.  We don't have any "nautical" beers in our portfolio, so we were there in spirit alone.  BUT, we were invited to come to raise money for the Animal Rescue Konsortium (ARK) and we could not turn the opportunity down.

So we get to the World of Beer and set up our raffle table and are told that the Shipyard folks had made a giant pirate stand that you can take a picture with and they were going to charge $2 for it and donate all of the funds to the animal rescue.  Now THIS is community.  I dig it and I will forever give Shipyard my blessings for being so kind.

In the midst of all of the raffling, we had a band set up that was awesome.  I wish I had gotten their names because they were a great band and they covered House of the Rising Sun, which will always be a measuring stick of coolness for me.

The staff was awesome and we brought in some samples for them to try.  Rince Cochon of course (the next big Belgian beer in America by my prediction) and Brunehaut Gluten Free Belgian (the unquestionable BEST gluten free beer in the world).  They loved both and agreed to carry them both moving forward.  Soooooo, make sure you stop in to try some Cochon or Brunehaut if you don't have the constitution.

Needless to say, it was a great night and we were able to raise $186 for ARK and make many, many people happy in the process.  Cheers!

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