Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Renegade Reps Hookah Charity

It is a strong feeling that I have that any business should be accompanied by a cause that is strictly for good, for the betterment of someone else.  The influence and wide net cast by conducting business just presents too many great opportunities to do so that it is a shame to allow it to pass.  Thus, ever since the Renegade Reps Hookah venture has come to be, I have been trying to find a charitable cause that would best represent what we do and get the most bang for the recipient's buck.  It was on this great trip to Egypt that I ran across that opportunity.

The opportunity that we found was the Abu Elhagag Festival, an annual event that brings in peoples from all surrounding areas to experience community, music, dances, horse races, and a parade through the streets.  What struck me most about the event was a giant tent that was constructed for travelers.  Within this tent, those who do not have enough for lodging are free to stay, while the local families bring food for them to eat.  This assures that every person, whether poor or rich, can experience the festival.

A fascinating story of Abu Elhagag himself and the mosque (see above) that bears his name can be found by following this link:  As you can see, the mosque (which was initially a church) was accidentally built atop the ruins of the Luxor Temple.  Due to this, the mosque appears embedded inside the ruins.

What made the idea for this cause tip for me was when a wagon full of kids pulled up and my brother had suggested that we buy them all hats from one of the local vendors.  We did and the kids were happy.  The most affecting part was seeing the thankfulness in the father when he came over to give us his blessing.  It didn't break the bank for us, but it clarified for me how appreciative the locals are for what they have.

So, we came up with this idea:  Just raise money and just give it to the poor in Luxor.  A very simple idea, but the gaff is in the simplicity.  This way, we can make sure that 100% of every dime donated can get directly into the hands of the poor.  It's that easy.  We will be there to provide, hand-to-hand, the funds we raise here in the States.

And here is how we're gonna raise the money:

I am finding select locations every week to rent hookahs out to the public.  Instead of paying for rental, we will simply take a donation for the cause.  The cause, which we are going to call Elhagag Festival Fundraiser, will be posted on Facebook each week where we will be and at what times.  As stated before, EVERY PENNY will go directly into the hands of the poor.  ALL COSTS associated will be absorbed by Renegade Reps.  It's a no-lose situation.

And the benefit is two-fold.  If anyone has been curious about smoking hookah, but is afraid of the general cost of rental or purchase, you can rent one at a cost that you feel comfortable with.  This way, you can see if you love the world of hookah or if it is just not for you.

If you'd like more information and would like to keep up with where we will be, just LIKE the Renegade Reps Hookah Facebook page and watch for updates.  Cheers!


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