Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bloody Mary and Dolly's

We began a bit of a tradition for the Renegades and their followers, Pajamas and Blood Mary's at Dolly's.  We agreed to this on Sunday with Josher, Bobert, Dave, and Joe.  We're hoping to grow this group over time and, understandably so, the tradition is no good for 9-5'ers.  I'm thinking we will continue this as a Wednesday event.  First off, a few things about Dolly's:

I've been going to Dolly's for years.  For the first few, they did not have a liquor license and served only beer.  This was ok for me, as I would walk through the long list of "domestic" beers they had including Miller High Life and PBR before it was hip nouveau.  They had the great "swing the ring to the bulls-horn" game, and we could spend hours playing this game for beers.  All this while playing some ping-pong and I loved this place.

A few yeas ago, Dolly's got a liquor license, lost the ping-pong and revamped a little.  They also got rid of the bull head, but I can't blame them for that.  Since then, they have been making some mean bloody mary's.  One day while moving some furniture, Josher and I stopped in and saw that they had $2 wells.  We ordered Bloody Mary's and got a tab for $4!!  Let's just say that the first 6 ingredients are all added separately.  Order spicy, and you get fresh pepper, horseradish, celery seed, hot sauce, vodka, a fresh olive, celery, and the mix.  This is not a second-rate Blood Mary.

On Sunday, we all headed down to Dolly's for a Blood Mary and had a great time.  A pledge was made to meet up at noon on Tuesday in PJ's and get some Mary's.  Although only Joe, Bobert, and myself showed up, I think we have something going here.  I had 5 drinks from some very cool bartenders and my tab was only $15.  You cannot beat that!!

My plan is to meet up next Wednesday IN PAJAMAS and do some Mary's.  Please fan this page and we'll get going.  In fact, show up and I'll buy your first one. Next week, I will include pictures and tell the tale.

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