Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Cask of Mojo is a Party

Renegade Rip set up our first firkin of Mojo IPA event at the World of Beer - UCF this past week.  I'm so excited to be finally able to get our variety of casks going out to our various suppliers and being filled with delicious goodness.  As fortune would have it, this cask was also flanked by draft of Sweaty Betty, Hazed & Infused, Mojo, Hoopla, Hoopla on nitro, and Planet Porter.

If you are not yet initiated into the idea of a firkin - it is basically a vessel (think of a keg) sitting around 10.5 gallons that you put a live beer into and pour it directly out of the keg. As opposed to a keg that uses CO2 or Nitrogen Mix to pushthe beer out, it is simply the act of nature that pours this one.  The downside is that you have to drink it pretty much within a few days or it goes bad.  The good news is that you get the freshest version of the beer that you can get with the added benefit of a fairly low carbonation level that creates a completely different experience than if you had the beer of the tap.

If you are not yet initiated into Mojo IPA from Boulder Brewing - well you are just passing up an amazing experience.  The brewery describes Mojo as such:

Mo-Jo: 1: A magic spell or charm; magical power; 2. Herbaceous ale that summons hop attacks. 

Pale in color but packed with flavor, MoJo reflects the perfect balance of hop bitterness and malt character. The unique Amarillo hop adds a slight citrus flavor to an ultra-crisp dry finish.

Ratebeer. com rates the beer at 95 out of 100 and at 7.2%, it packs a delicious, citrusy punch.  

Mojo was the fourth beer in Boulder Brewing's Looking Glass Series, which was begun by the legendary Hazed & Infused Dry Hopped Ale.
But the beer means so much more to me than just hops and alcohol. There is something about this beer that makes me extra proud to represent the brewery.  It is uncompromising but at the same time mellow.  A 7.2% single IPA is pretty heady, but this one maintains an easy drinking nature.  For someone who does not like to have the enamel burned off their teeth (aka those like me), this beer is for them.  

So the event commenced and followed with a great crowd who, according to Renegade Rip, was completely enamored with the Sweaty Betty Heffeweizen.  No shocker to me as this is a shamefully under-appreciated beer that is just waiting for its day in Florida to bust out.  I'm looking forward to the day when it is huge and I can cross my arms like Lebron James and say "I told ya so."  

Keep your eyes peeled for more firkins popping up from Boulder Brewing, Lazy Magnolia, and the such.  We have got them getting out and about and they are an instant hit.  Cheers!

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