Monday, August 27, 2012

Losing A Bet and Paying for It - In Dunedin

Sometimes you get to lose a bet and still be a winner.  This was the case when a month ago, my buddy (Steve Defran) and I made a weight-loss challenge.

The standards were pretty well cut.  The person who loses the most weight in a 30 day period wins the bet.  The loser drives the winner to Dunedin for fish tacos and all the beer you can drink.  A trip that we assume will cost the loser in the neighborhood of $300.  Not an easy pill to swallow, but my thoughts were that if I can lose 10 pounds, my buddy loses more, and I lose - hey we both won. And anyway, there are worse ways to lose than to have to go to Dunedin and eat my favorite fish tacos in Florida, right?

Throughout this challenge, myself and Defran did our best to support each other while chiding each other into letting the loser know they are in for it when the day of weigh-in came.  As it turns out, I lost the bet.  But I did lose 10 pounds in the process.  Fat boy Defran lost 18.

So when the day came to get our party on (a Saturday night as it turns out), we started out with some pretty special brew.

The beer that turned me into a beer lover was a 3 year old bottle of Ommegang Abbey Ale, or just plain old Ommegang as it was referred to at the time.  In homage to this experience, I try to keep a few cases of 3 year old Ommegang around at all times for special occasions.  This was such an occasion.  to make it even more fun, our driver is a big Bourbon barrel aged beer fan and I just happened to have a bottle of 2007 Goose Island Bourbon County Stout laying around.  For the guy who was about to put us in a car and transport us 2 miles southwest, a bottle of 12% beer seemed the perfect thing to calm his nerves.

Getting on the road, we set up all of the electronics, got the radio adjusted, and discussed our plan of attack.  The great thing about Dunedin is that you have Dunedin Brewery, Dunedin House of Beer, and 7eventh Sun Brewery all within walking distance of each other.  This way, you can have some of the best beer Florida has to offer without ever getting in your car.  This being the case, a good plan is necessary.  Whatever the plan turned out, fish tacos was priority 1.

Heading out after catching a small buzz, our path down I-4 was halted by a need to stop by a bar along the way.  A curious place on HWY 27 just off the interstate that I've wanted to stop at for some time.  A little Irish place behind the 7-11, I wasn't expecting too much but figured a nice drink halfway to Tampa is not a bad thing.

We park the car and walk into this very dark space with some televisions, a jukebox, full liquor, and some drafts on a wall. The bartender asked us what we wanted and we just asked for a couple of drafts, planning on having only 1 drink each.  When I reached down to grab my wallet, I realized I forgot it at home.  

Naturally, forgetting your wallet at home when you are supposed to be the host of a cross-state drinking binge is suspect.  I'll be the first to admit, it takes the air out of the ball when you say "you pay for everything and I will pay you back."  Kinda loses its luster to be the winner of a bet.  But we were where we were and given the distance we didn't want to drive back to DeLand.  I took a good ribbing for it, but being the buds we are, Defran agreed to pay and I'd pay him back with Tomo holding the receipts.  Sucks, but what are ya gonna do?

Back on the road, we had to fill up with gas and my favorite gas station is at exit 14 on I-4.  A great stop right before you get into the Tampa area, you can fill up the tank, take a whizzer, and grab a Slurpee.  In this case, we snagged some cheap road beers and some sodas to last us the rest of the night.

Back on the road and we ain't stoppin' til we hit Dunedin Brewery and a rendezvous with some fish fa fish fish tacos.

When we do arrive around 4:30 pm, the parking lot is packed and we have to go to an adjacent lot to park.

Walking into the Dunedin Brewery, my usual spots at the bar were full.  In fact, the whole place was full.  I am usually at the brewery on weekdays in the daytime so I'm a tad spoiled when it comes to my fish tacos and the bartenders who I've come to know.  We had to wait a bit for a seat, but someone came around to see if we wanted a beer.  Ooooooh yeah.

My first choice was the Vortex on the Bay IPA collaboration with Fort George Brewery out of Oregon.  Defran had the brown and Tomo went with the coffee stout.  Finally a spot at the bar opened and we were seated to start on some tacos.  Now here is where we ran into some problems.  As it turns out, my buddy Defran is not open to eating fish tacos.  Tells me he hates fish and hates tacos!  All this time talking about this trip and the sucker never mentioned that he wasn't gonna indulge in the deliciousness.

So we ordered two orders of fish tacos, some of the incredible cheese curds, and Defran ordered something I don't remember.  I've gushed about the tacos over the course of 2012 so I won;t bore you with the descriptors.  I WILL say, however, that I talked my closed minded buddy to at least give a try of a fish taco out of my plate.  He did, and he dug it.  Not.A.Shocker.

After another beer, The Rock Double IPA, we decided to go hit 7eventh Sun Brewery for a beer or two before hitting Dunedin HOB and getting back to Dunedin Brewery to finish off our night.

Stepping into the 7eventh Sun Brewery, the guys were shocked at how small the place was.  This is what I try to explain to people that they don't seem to get - you don't need a huge facility to produce some great beers and as a start-up, is a great way to hedge your bets on the possibility that your product didn't catch on.

As an avid lover of the beers from 7eventh Sun (I love Saisons and they always have some great ones), I was completely comfortable with Defran and Tomo ordering whatever they wanted and we could be confident that the product would be of top quality.  This is not always true of a place still in its infancy but at this place, not a worry.

So we each have a Saison (of different sorts) and get to chattin' about what a great time we had had so far.  Next thing I know, Tomo is talking to some folks near us and came over to introduce us.  Now, if there is one thing I know about Tomo, he has a knack for randomly meeting people.  One of the friendliest people I know, I can always count on him to strike up a conversation everywhere he goes.  Somehow, some way, the folks we ran into were some friends of his that just happened to be there!  Once again, you never know who Tomo will run in to.

After a few beers at 7eventh Sun, we decide to move the party to Dunedin HOB.  This is the point of the night where we started to go sideways.  You know when you can go out and very distinctly point out the moment where perhaps the night could have, or should have, ended?  This was that moment.  The voices got louder, the conversation got more "poetic", and the language devolved into a series of emotional arm-throwing and four letter words that we were able to release by only pronouncing two of the letters.  We were now becoming the guys who I dreaded seeing in my bar ownership days.

the House of Beers was packed!  The vibe was awesome and when we walked in I began salivating for a beer.  For me, I saw just what I wanted to see.  They had Boulder Brewing Flashback Brown on draft!  One for me please.  While we're at it, let's increase our chances of getting onto trouble and get one for Defran as well.

My buddy Rick, who owns the bar stopped by to say hello and to be honest, I personally don't remember leaving the bar.  I do distinctly remember enjoying myself for the few moments that I was cognizant and I always have a great time there.

So this is where it gets interesting.  The plan was to go back to Dunedin Brewery and have another round of fish tacos.  I can remember with great clarity, thinking to myself how much I am going to enjoy those things.  If I was not drooling, I was very close.  Starving, drunk, and looking forward to fish tacos - not a bad life.

We walk into Dunedin Brewery - first myself, then Tomo, and lastly Defran.  When Defran stumbles in, one of the bartenders looks right at him and says "He can't come in here."

Whaaaaaaaaaaat?  But I was dying for some of those delicious tacos that I only get once a month at best.  But I'm starving.  But I'm having a great time!  But we planned this trip so that we could have fish tacos, not so that we couldn't have fish tacos.

Still somewhat in my wits, I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of one of my favorite breweries, so we shuffled Defran out the door.  So now it is try to get us home - or so I think.  Luckily, we were parked across the street and had plenty of room to let El Boracho (Tomo's nickname for Defran) stumble about, accidentally bump into cars, and as it turns out, fall over an 18 inch wall.  (See pics)

After a profanity filled tirade that I caught on film (in editing now), assembled in the car.  Discussing how good those tacos could have been, Tomo and myself agreed that we were both starving and needed some grub.  Remembering that The Taco Bus on Hillsborough Avenue is open 24 hours a day, we agreed upon a spot.

For those not familiar with the Taco Bus, the one on Hillsborough is not in t he nicest of areas.  You're as likely to come across a prostitute as you are anyone else and I'm sure if we were looking to get high, good product couldn't have been too far away.  This being said, the atmosphere at the Taco Bus is awesome and once you're on property, the crowd is fun and amenable.  Moral of the story, as long as you're there, no worries.  Venture off - and you could probably find some trouble.

Tomo parked the car at the Taco Bus and got out of the car.  Defran was passed out in the back, so we figured we'd let the sleeping dog lie.  In an area such as this, perhaps better we don't let him out among the general public where he can get us beaten or worse.  The plan was to go up to the bus, order some food, come back to the car, wake Defran up, get some food in him, and get on the road.  Fairly simple as far as plans go.

Good news for me, Taco Bus has not only fish tacos, but tempeh tacos as well!  And the tacos are not just good - they are great.  As a side note, if you are in the area, it is definitely worth checking out (especially in the daytime).  There website can be found at!.

While I  am waiting for the tacos, Tomo decides to go back to the car.  Wattya know - no Defran.  Disappeared.  Vamoosh.  In the wind.

At some point, El Boracho woke up and decided to take a walk down Hillsborough Avenue at 2:00 am on a Saturday night.  Not only was he walking, he was obviously drunk and obviously didn't fit in there with his Double Zero Drunky the Bear jersey that he wears way too much.  Well, I'm not leaving without those tacos.  I asked Tomo to watch Defran flounder down the road while I waited for the Taco Bus to finish preparing our meals.

A brilliant plan and one that could only come around while you are drinking.  We decided to get in the car, drive past him, sit in the car and eat, and just wait for Defran to ramble on down to us.  Instead of stopping and catching him, we'd just let him wander right into the car.

So sitting in the car, enjoying some 2:00 am snacks, the jester finally showed up, got in the car, fell back to sleep, and we finished our tacos in peace.  The drive home could not have been filled with more peace than this great night had provided. Cheers to El Boracho for winning the contest, cheers to Tomo for driving and babysitting us, and thanks to the wonderful bars we visited for your hospitality.  Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. The play by play is great, and the illustrations of course. Congrats to you both for your hard work and fun!
