Saturday, July 2, 2011

Mississippi to see Lazy Magnolia - The Broke Spoke

Kevin and I took a drive to meet up with Leslie and Mark Henderson, owners of Lazy Magnolia Brewery.  Leaving at 6:00 in the morning was quite a chore, but we got on the road as well as could be expected.  The drive was nice, and we took I-95 instead of the more popular I-75 because I didn't want to go through the Ocala Forest.  In case anyone is wondering, the 95 route is better.

When we arrived, we stopped at a place that I found on the internet and just had to visit, the Broke Spoke in Kiln, MS (picture below).

It wasn't easy to take the first few steps toward the building and several times we considered the idea of just taking a picture and taking off.  However, I told myself that we would go into this place and have a beer, so we put on our man-faces and walked in.  This place is the darkest place I've ever been in, there are no windows, and the lights are all covered by thousands of bras hanging from the ceiling.

I sat first, and the bartender asked what I wanted.  Without even thinking about it, my mouth voiced the word "Budweiser."  It just seemed appropriate and I knew this was not a choice that would bring any attention to me.  Kev ordered a Bud Lite and we sat and enjoyed the scenery.  As it turns out, this place is a pretty dedicated Green Bay Packers bar, being that this is Brett Favre's hometown.  Having a dislike for the Confederate flag, being a Steelers fan, and having a distaste for Favre, I didn't have much in common with the place.  However, the bartender was polite enough, the beers were $2 each, and we had some good conversation with some of the customers.  All in all, when I go back to Kiln, I will probably find myself in the Broke Spoke.

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